Herzegovinian caught a 85 kilos catfish using an old trick (PHOTO)
Event though he has been a fishermen since he was a child and he has been friends with a hook for 40 years, he said that he caught big fish before, like one 56 kilo catfish, even though this is his personal record
Slobo Spajic from Trebinje caught a catfish on Bileca lake weighting 85 kilos. Together with a friend, he caught it with a friend from a boat, at a former Panic field.
Horror at the main bus station in Belgrade: Huge snake got out of the bag! (PHOTO)
- The fish is fished with what it eats, so i used the rule of old fisherman and i got lucky, although we had a long fight - said Spajic.
Event though he has been a fishermen since he was a child and he has been friends with a hook for 40 years, he said that he caught big fish before, like one 56 kilo catfish, even though this is his personal record.
He can't go without mentioning his friend Zoran Bokun, who helped him get the catfish on the boat, reports Nezavisne novine.