2.000 euros wage: Croats are searching for Serbian workers, but there is only one condition!

Workers from Serbia and from Bosnia and Herzegovina suffer the most due to poor bilateral relations between the countries

Croatia will need around 40,000 seasonal workers this year, and considering that there are not enough workers for hospitality in Croatia, local restaurant owners, coffee shops, hotels and tourist agencies turn to the countries of the region, considering that our language and mentality is very similar.

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According to the site "Click to work", they seek most workers in neighboring Bosnia, while Serbian seasonal workers are still traditionally going to  Montenegro and Greece. However, this is changing, writes the portal Click to work.

In Croatia, according to Peter Dragicevic, director of the employment agency, very few workers from Serbia are constantly working throughout the year, but during the summer season, that number exceeds 1,000.

- For the most part these 1,000 people work catering jobs, and employers value experience much more than vocational education. Salaries range from 600 to 2,000 euros a month, and it is important to note that the worker is provided with a toll-free accommodation and meals by the employer, and that all workers are registered in the pension and health insurance - he says.

That means that the worker takes most of the profit home, and what is more important is that - season in Croatia lasts for five - six months, from April or May to October, so longer work and more money is certain.

Best employers are small restaurants, and the best working conditions are in good hotels with four or five stars, mentions the interviewee.

- Seasonal workers from Serbia in Croatia are mostly those who have dual citizenship and they have no problems to work there during season - said Dragicevic.

Second citizenship can be Croatian, or some other country of EU, like Hungary. According to some estimates, around 100.000 Serbs have Croatian citizenship, 60.000 have Hungarian. They work in Croatia with no problems, but also in every other countries of EU, while those who don't have second citizenship can hardly get the work permit.

- Unfortunately, seasonal working permits for our citizens are almost impossible to get, exclusively to a small number of chefs, depending on the quota issued by the Croatian Employment Service, as well as some profiles of tourism workers who are deficient in Croatia - he says.

On the other hand, he adds, demand for Serbian workers, as well for workers from Bosnia and Herzegovina, is high, but they suffer the most due to poor bilateral relations between the countries.

For our workers there is another aggravating circumstance, and it is a national intolerance. If someone is willing to fight with it, this is the perfect opportunity.
