BRITISH WON'T GIVE SERB STOJAN: Petition against deportation has been signed by 22.000 people (PHOTO)
Guardian, BBC and Camden New Journal wrote about this merchant from Serbia, working in the "Earth Natural Foods"
Stojan Jankovic Stoly (53) is a Serbian in London known by entire England, and the reason is that British government is trying to deport him after 27 years of legal work in the shop in Kentish Town.
Luckily for him, the community did not like it and he received support of 22.000 people who signed the petition across the world in just 48 hours.
The news about his imprisonment from the immigration services spread the internet, and Guardian, BBC and Camden New Journal wrote about this merchant from Serbia and a hashtag #savestoly, working in the "Earth Natural Foods"
- I don't understand why they locked up someone who pays the taxes and social insurance regularly - one of the numerous comments picturing the reason citizens support Stoly.
Jankovic was added to the list of immigration center in London, where he regularly answered for the past ten years every month.
- Last Thursday afternoon he went there and instead of signing they locked him up, without any warning - said his employer, John Grayson, who adds that Jankovic was very popular in Kentis Town, he is very liked among people.
He pointed out that Jankovic worked transparently, in accordance with the law and that he received a National Insurance number. He stressed that Jankovic left Yugoslavia before its breakup.
- This area is now Serbia, but he was never a citizen of Serbia and doesn't have a Serbian passport. We do not know whether he has the right to live in Serbia - said Grayson.
Jankovic's deportation is postponed for 15 days, to prepare a legal complaint, and the latest news is that he was released from custody.