The place where Serbs are welcome in Croatia, and they seek for 10.000 workers from abroad
Regardless that the country has given the green light for 7,000 foreigners, according to estimates of entrepreneurs, there is work for another 16,000 foreigners
26.000 vacancies have been advertised in Croatia. The most wanted are the chefs, retailers, cleaners, assistant cooks and kitchen workers, followed by drivers, economists, builders and nurses!
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Regardless that the country has given the green light for 7,000 foreigners, companies are not reducing pressure for new quotas, and the situation in shipbuilding, engineering, construction and transport is urgent! According to estimates of entrepreneurs, there is work for another 16,000 foreigners!
Croatian Employers' Association complain that they get approvals for quotas too slowly and they seeks to change the rules for foreigners. Even the head of the metalworkers' unions Vedran Dragicevic said that the contracts in the shipbuilding industry, worth 1.5 billion euros are in question.
It is estimated that the last seven - eight years around 20,000 left who found a job in Italy, Germany, the Netherlands, Austria and the Scandinavian countries. In the tourism the culmination is yet to come.
The fact that there are only three future waiters among 297 students in High school "Ambroz Haracic" in Losinac perfectly describes a problem older than two or three years. All three of them are second grade, and no one went for waiters this year! The problems are more and more present and the record seasons are lining one after another.
There will be more and more guests, fifty new hotels are being opened, and many faced with the outflow of manpower, so the search began earlier. Some even before the end of 2016, with permanent contract, wage and official service, gave season workers thirteenth wage, resources, jubilee awards, just to return in 2017. Tourism constantly hires around 95.000 people, and it takes around 30.000 season workers.
- The number rises every year by at least 5 percent. Istia alone needs 10.000 season workers, and 6.500 of them have to come from other parts of the country. Even though employers blame each other, they forget that contributed to the problem on their own. Those able to work were sent with stimulating severance to the market. Entering the EU people got to choose - says Marina Cvitic from the union SIKD.
According to her, the hoteliers understand that workers must have better wages.
- They are building hotels for workers today, they give free accommodation and food. We negotiate with many companies and it looks that there will be increase in wages. If they don't grow for at least 5 percent, there will be problems. It was critical last year, the law was violated and workers were falling down of exhaustion... - concludes Marina Cvitic.
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