Meet the Queen of arrogant parking: While coming for her child, she endangers the lives of other children! (PHOTO)
Impossible place for parking, recorded in a photograph from Zadar!
Photo appeared on the portal “” of a parked car by a young arrogant woman in front of Elementary school Sima Budinic in Zadar, who repeated the same style of parking multiple times.
Eerie scene on the highway: He drove from Belgrade with crazy speed in opposite, fast lane! (VIDEO)
"She must be happy that she found a parking space so cleverly", comment from the mention portal on this photos.
- While she comes to pick up her child, she is endangering all other children - wrote a reader, perhaps a mother of another schoolboy, that sent these photos.
This is really too much.
What is your attitude towards reckless parking? Leave your answers in the comments and send us similar photos.
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