Bring it back just one more time, i promise, you won't see me again: Women are surgically returning virginity, and this one is the champion
Hymenoplasty is still performed in private centers in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and one woman went under the knife several times
More and more girls and women go to Hymenoplasty in Bosnia and Herzegovina to "return" their virginity and to enter "pure" into marriage.
Hymenoplasty is still performed in private centers in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and one woman went under the knife several times.
Among the patients, there are also women from ethnic groups who remembered how valuable the virginity is in their people. They are aware that their marriage is doomed to fail from the start if they don't enter it mother-naked, especially if they are marrying a man from some patriarch middle east country, which is not so rare in today's time.
Hymenoplasty is a correction which lasts from 20 to 45 minutes, and whose price goes around 1.400 KM (around 770 euros).
- We are interested only in our patients, that give us their trust which we protect with complete discretion. We stopped counting the hymenoplasties we have done so far - said the founder of Center for Plastic Surgery in Tuzla Dr. Zlatko Berberovic.
They are mostly girls from 18 to 25 years of age, and there were cases when hymenoplasty was done to a girl of 15 and to a woman of 35.
- The reasons are mostly emotional nature. Main reason is desire is to overcome the former feeling of guilt in new emotional relationship. There is always huge emotional tension. There are cases when there are preparation to join the traditional marriage. Also, we had few interventions after cases of unreported raping - he said.
Even though it doesn't happen often that one person comes to hymenoplasty multiple times, there are those cases.
- There are more people we did hymenoplasty multiple times, but that is a small number compared to all the rest. In that cases, women have discount, as do all other patients that have more interventions in our center. When it comes to the famous slogan "third time is free", it came because one patient appeared for the third time: "What now happened?" She responded: "Bring it back one more time and you will never see me again. I am getting married in one Middle East country". And i said: "If that's the case, good luck to you! This one is for free". We we also good in private - said Dr Berberovic.