The saddest story in Serbia: At homeless cemetery, Dragoslav and Verica are buried. Their love has defeated death (PHOTO)

- We opened the door by force. First i noticed that the key was in the lock from inside. They were lying on the floor, she on her belly, and he besides her - said the neighbor Zivan Obradovic

Among the crowd of graves without headstones at the cemetery Bozman in Kragujevac, in a special section reserved mainly for the homeless and N. N. persons - lies the tomb that houses one of the most beautiful but also saddest love stories

The only 2 graves in Serbia where candles are always lit: Momir is in one, Rada in second. And their story is creepy (VIDEO)

Dragoslav (89) and Verica (87) Jeremic, after six decades of marriage, died in the same day. Verica was ill, and in 2012, she fell and died, then her dear lay beside her and died. Police and neighbors found them a few days later, lying flat on the floor, holding hands.

They had no children, but they have genuinely loved each other. People from Kragujevac say that not even death could separate them. A retired teacher and a retired employee of the municipality, with decent pensions and reputation among the neighbors that they are quiet people. Verica, a few days before her death experienced a heart attack, a Dragoslav continued to care for her until the end.

- We opened the door by force. First i noticed that the key in the lock was from inside. They were lying on the floor, she on her belly, and he besides her. We are sorry, they were very nice, civil people... Real gentleman and lady. They loved each other, they took care of each other. They didn't want anyone helping them. They were living their own life, and ended it together... - said neighbor Zivan Obradovic.

The couple was buried at Bozman cemetery, and not on Varos cemetery, where they payed for two grave spots.

On unbounded plot, headstone of Dragoslav and Verica stands lonely, and next few graves with no mark or only with a cross. In the vase, stands a bouquet of plastic flowers, only as an indication that they do not completely forgotten, writes

- Rarely anyone goes around these graves. It happens that family later on comes and gets a headstone, so there are few in the cemetery now - said the cemetery worker.
