Hague rejects request for a review of the sentence of Bosnia lawsuit against Serbia: Ivanic argues that this is a serious decision that supports the Dayton Bosnia

Denial of the Softic right to speak on behalf of Bosnia and Herzegovina at the International Court of Justice, is likely to mean that the Court will reject the request for a review of the sentence itself

The International Court of Justice in The Hague rejected the legitimacy of Sakib Softic as an agent of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) on a request for revision of sentence against Serbia. Reasons cited include the fact that there was a consensus of all three members of the BiH presidency, when Softic was appointed to lead the audit, reports RTS.

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Denial of the Softic right to speak on behalf of Bosnia and Herzegovina at the International Court of Justice, is likely to mean that the Court will reject the request for a review of the sentence itself, because the acceptance of agent is a prerequisite for court trial.

Chairman of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina Mladen Ivanic and Minister of Foreign Affairs Igor Crnadak announced emergency press conference for 16:00 hours in Banja Luka. 

Igor Crnadak confirmed for RTS that the conference was convened due to the revision of the sentence in The Hague but he did not want to talk about the details.

As RTS found out unofficially, the court in The Hague replied to a request for review of the sentence of BiH against Serbia.

Softic submitted a request for review of the sentence in BiH lawsuit against Serbia to the International Court of Justice on 23 February. The request was submitted without the prior consent of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The Court thereupon asked the Bosniak member of the BiH Presidency Bakir Izetbegovic to explain the legitimacy of Softic and then requested that the Presidency of BiH communicate their views on the review of the sentence. Members of the Board voted individually.

Press conference 

Chairman of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina Mladen Ivanic stated that the decision of the Hague court to refuse the request for revision of the BiH charges against Serbia is expected.

Ivanic said on the press conference that the court will not consider this case because, as they said, no relevant authority in BiH reached this decision.

- Ivanic said that this decision seriously supports Dayton BiH.

- No one can make decision in the name of BiH besides its institutions - said Ivanovic and added that only such BiH has a chance to properly function, because every other attempt is impact to the state.

He assessed that this was, as he said, a complex political battle.

- If i didn't start working on this on time, we  wouldn't have made this result - he said.

Ivanic said that he considers this some kind of personal success in his political career.

- In certain moments i felt like someone who was intended to be the blame and responsible because many factors in Republika Srpska did not stand besides me, but watched how to save themselves - he said.

Minister of foreign affairs of BiH Igor Crnadak said that refusing the request for revision of the sentence against Serbia actually sends a message to BiH that it can function only together and with agreement. 

Crnadak said that this outcome of demands for revision sends two positive messages.

First is that responsible for all this has to clearly make a move and to show they are prepared to move forward.

The second important message of the Court is that Courts in BiH should continue to sentence those who committed crimes, historians to write history, and we politicians, to deal with the process of reconciliation and how to move towards the future together.

(Telegraf.co.uk / Tanjug)