Croatian athlete had the strongest support in the Arena! Hall resounded with "Ivan, Ivan" (VIDEO)

Young Ivan Horvat has garnered the most sympathy from the Belgrade audience, but also the fans who came from Croatia just for him

Croatian pole vaulter Ivan Horvat had great support in Belgrade's Kombank Arena on 34th European Championships in Belgrade. 

Serbia has demonstrated that is the country of athletics: Fans filled the stands, fantastic atmosphere in the Arena (PHOTO)

He finished the competition with a jump of 5.75 and hit the bar three times at 5.80, even though he had thunderous support of the fans at the Arena.

Besides Belgrade, Ivan had the support from the fans from his Osijek, who came with organized transport with a bus.

This young man broke his personal record twice in Belgrade already and the audience loves him because he has charisma. 

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