Little Farhad from Afganistan makes wonders with pen: First thing he drew in Serbia was NOVAK DJOKOVIC (PHOTO)
He is in the asylum center and he is currently learning Serbian language
Ten year old Farhad Nor from Afghanistan, after exhausting travel from his homeland, over Iran and Greece, he arrived to refugee center in Krnjaca, and he plans to go to Switzerland from here.
Stefanovic: European Union recognized the Serbian efforts (PHOTO)
This boy shortens his time in the center with drawing, considering he is in Serbia, it was logical for him to chose a motive to draw in our Best Tennis player Novak Djokovic.
Besides this realistic drawing, Farhad drew Cristiano Ronaldo, Angela Merkel, Angelina Jolie, Salvador Dali, and his favorite artist, Pablo Picasso.
He went with his brother, mother and father to search of a better future, from whom he inherited the talent.
- I have to get to Switzerland and to learn their language there. My wish is to become a painter, to become famous. I would like to take photos, that is why i will first buy a camera - explained the boy, who speaks Arabic, English and Greek.
He is in the asylum center and he is currently learning Serbian language.
We wish him the best of luck on the road, and you can see his photos that will show you his talent, will, endurance and love for art.
( / S.I.)