RESOLUTION ON SERBIA ADOPTED: Economic progress commended
The foreign affairs committee of the European Parliament adopted overwhelmingly today report on Serbia, urging the EU to open a new chapter in the accession negotiations with Serbia, and Belgrade - to focus on reforms in the rule of law and the normalization of relations with Kosovo. EP Foreign Affairs Committee with 55 votes in favor and 2 against the adopted draft text Rapporteur for Serbia David McAllister, supplemented compromise amendments MEPs.
Stefanovic: European Union recognized the Serbian efforts (PHOTO)
The report estimates that Serbia is well on its way to European integration and EU calls for opening "and other chapters of the negotiations with Serbia which are technically ready".
Economic progress has been commended, "Serbia's active role in fighting against terrorism," as well as the important role that the country has in the international and regional cooperation in fighting against narcotics.
At the same time, European MPs are seeking from Serbia's authorities in the country to focus on reforms in the rule of law, and they insist on an independent judiciary, fight against corruption, improvement of the media situation in the country, investigating cases of excessive use of force by the police against citizens, and the case of Savamala.
Serbia is urged to intensify efforts to resolve "bilateral issues with neighboring countries in accordance with international law" and to "fully implement existing bilateral agreements with its neighbors," but also to "progressively" coordinate their foreign and security policy with EU policy, with special focusing on policy towards Russia.
When it comes to normalization of relations with Kosovo, the EP stressed that the implementation of the agreed key is in the dialogue, and the formation of Serbian municipalities a priority.
( / Tanjug)