Stefanovic: European Union recognized the Serbian efforts (PHOTO)

Stefanovic said that the vehicles are intended for the border police, which has achieved the best results in the fight against illegal migration

The European Union has recognized the efforts and results of Serbia in the fight against illegal migration, said the Minister of Internal affairs Nebojsa Stefanovic, citing the fact that during the migrant crisis, 2,300 smugglers were arrested. 

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- It's a fight that ensures that citizens do not feel the damage, while Serbia behaves responsibly towards migrants, humanely and as a host - said Stefanovic at a joint press conference with European Commission Director General for Enlargement, Christian Danielsson, after a handover of 82 police vehicles to the Ministry of Internal affairs.

Stefanovic said that the vehicles are intended for the border police, which has achieved the best results in the fight against illegal migration.

- Our task is to ensure respect for the law for all and by all and we will insist on that in the following period - said Stefanovic.

He said that since the beginning of the crisis 2,300 smugglers were arrested, which is a big number, and expressed the hope that the judicial procedures follow the effective operation of the police.

- These vehicles are just concrete assistance that should help Serbia to be more effective in fighting against illegal migrants - said Stefanovic.

He added that he and Danielsson talked about what the EU can do together with Serbia in order to improve border control and stronger participation of Serbia in the Frontex actions, and informed him about the progress of Chapter 24, especially in terms of border security, the fight against organized crime, and cooperation with the police forces of the region and the EU.

- We are grateful to the people from the EU, Danielsson and everyone who supported Serbia to be more efficient in the previous years, to fight to become a modern, comfortable, well-organized country and, hopefully, very soon a member of the EU - said Stefanovic.

He said that one of the priorities of the Ministry of Internal affairs are rejuvenation and modernization of the fleet, and that 140 vehicles have been acquired from their own funds.

Stefanovic has announced significant investments in uniforms and protective equipment for the police.

He added that he expected the adoption of new laws - on asylum, foreigners and DNA registers and the Strategy for Combating Terrorism, which shows that Serbia is ready to face the challenges.

The EU Delegation donated 82 vehicles to Ministry of Internal affairs - passenger cars, trucks and vans, as well as 24 vehicles of Commissariat for Refugees and Migration.

Commissioner for Refugees Vladimir Cucic said that the EU is the largest donor and reliable partner whose resources, in 100 percent of cases, went to the direction of a need that the state has.

- Serbia is one who stands firmly on the European road and I think we have shown that we know how to deal with the problem and that we are working on a humane, responsible and organized way with the 1.6 million people that has passes through our country - said Cucic.

( / Tanjug)