Serbian scientists answered back: NASA is making up excuses to fill up the budget, life on new planets is not going to happen!

- 4.000 planets like this have already been discovered and talked about to this day, this is pure advertising of the American space agency to get increased budget - our astronomers claim

NASA has published last night that the astronomers discovered new planetary system, around 40 light years away from Earth. It was named "Trappist 1", and there are seven planets similar to Earth circling around a dwarf starSerbian astronomers don't see anything spectacular in it. 

Martina is Balkan sex bomb and a scientist: She works as engineer and a photo mode, she invented smart shoes, and her final destination is NASA (PHOTO)

- They are just promoting themselves, especially when their budget should be increased, and that is why they are making spectacle out of it. And people are believing those sensations, so they really think its something epochal discovery, even though 4.000 planets like this have already been discovered and talked about to this day - said Aleksandar Otasevic from the Astronomical society "Rudjer Boskovic".

Last night, NASA also announced that they will launch "James Web" telescope in 2018, which will enable more detailed discovery of details of newly discovered planets. That telescope should discover chemical traces of water, methane and oxygen of potential planetary atmospheres.

- Its not going to happen. We are far away from any big discovery, before all, because we don't have the technology that could discover existence of life on some other planet - claims Otasevic.

In the last few years, NASA has been going to the public with the data that more and more potentially habitable exoplanets have been discovered, and it is estimated that there are conditions for creating life.

- There is no chance. Especially about us moving to some other planet. It is a big shame that NASA is creating a sensation out of it and that it announces things that will never happen because it is only harmful to science. Every time when they make this forced spectacle, science goes 10 steps behind - Serbian scientists is clear.

NASA stepped up with the data that at least three out of those seven planets present "holy grail" for astronomers who "love" planes, because temperatures are quite appropriate and it allows extraterrestrial life to flourish.

That would be the greatest news about potentially habitable exoplanets that circle around other stars since it was published last year that one of those exists in the system of our closest stellar neighbor, star Proxima Centauri.

( / J. Stakic -