Serbian alpinists climbed the frozen waterfalls: See how the heroes venture (VIDEO)

Nikola Djuric, Dusan Brankovic, Dusan Starinac, Danilo Pot and Ivan Lakovic used weather conditions to climb frozen waterfalls in the Tara river canyon

Cold weather and freezing minus temperatures, created ideal conditions for five Serbian alpinists who climbed two frozen waterfalls in the Tara River Canyon

Winter created a wonder on the most beautiful Serbian waterfall: The world has not seen such a sight yet (PHOTO)

Two rivers from the Zabojsko lake in village Dobrilovina form the biggest "ice" waterfalls in Montenegro, right named Small rabbit, and the left one Passion, 150 meters tall.

Nikola Djuric, Dusan Brankovic, Dusan Starinac, Danilo Pot and Ivan Lakovic used weather conditions to climb frozen waterfall.

- Discipline of climbing frozen waterfalls has existed for three decades, and we practiced when weather conditions allowed us and conditions were met. Vanja Pejovic and i visited Dobrilovina in mid-December with the intention to climb one of the two existing waterfall.

We have been waiting for them since 2012, but not everything was perfect. Unfortunately for us, right waterfall was 10 days from forming, and the left one was not even close.

We were comforted with the long term forecast, but lots of experience with sudden gusts of hot aid, "overturning" frozen waterfalls, warned us that we should not get our hopes up - said Lakovic.

They returned after New Year and they climbed Small Rabbit, and they had the opportunity to conquer the Passion.

Watch the video:
