ONLY TITO WAS MORE FAMOUS THAN HIM: Everything we have now would not exist in Belgrade if it wasn't for this man!
He lived in his house in Zemun, even though he had the rights on apartment from the state, he also drove with his own car, even though had had the rights on a driver
Branko Pesic was the most popular Mayor of Belgrade, during the time of his mandate many important capital military objects were built, also in his time an ambitious plan was adopted to lower Belgrade to rivers, building of Belgrade railway knot and Belgrade metro.
50 Projects that will make Belgrade a miracle European city
He lived in his house in Zemun, even though he had the rights on apartment from the state, he also drove with his own car, even though had had the rights on a driver.
Many capital objects were built while he was the Mayor, like:
bridge "Gazela", Mostar interchange, Autokomanda interchange, Pinki hall, hall on New Belgrade, sports Center Sumice, sports Center Olimp, sports Center Banjica, "Pionir" hall, sports Center 25. May, sports Center Vracar, and that is not all.
There are Terazije tunnel, Belgrade palace (Beogradjanka), blocks 45 and 70, Institute for Cardiovascular Diseases "Dedinje", artificial lake at Ada Ciganlija and many other important projects.
They say that only Josip Broz Tito was more famous than him at the time.