Pristina in paranoia since +383 code was introduced: "Belgrade and Russians are using that number to spy on us!"
They are also afraid of Russian agents for who they claim they will use this code to indirectly spy on us
A special international code +383 for phone calls to Kosovo, which is the International Telephone Union granted the southern Serbian province, is in use from yesterday. Although it is stated that this is the result of an agreement between Belgrade and Pristina in Brussels, Pristina, however, fears that Belgrade will use this code to spy on Kosovo.
Meeting in Brussels failed, Albanians are preparing for war!
- There are hundreds of Serbian spies and agents on Kosovo. and this code will only help them in espionage - considers Pristina.
They, however, don't only fear from Belgrade. They are also afraid of Russian agents for who they claim they will use this code to indirectly spy on us.
With the introduction of new phone number the rest will be gradually eliminated.
At the same time, licenses for mobile telephony have been granted to the Serbian company MTS d.o.o and the license for fixed telephony services in Kosovo issued by the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of Kosovo, according to RTK2.
For Kosovo numbers are used - from Serbia for fixed telephony +381, while mobile networks use Slovenian company IPKO +386, and from Monaco +377 used by the operator Valja.
( / Presheva Jone)