Sofija is a hero of Serbia: Bravest little girl won in a fight for her life, and returned home!

After three months and two surgeries, little Sofija came home from Paris yesterday with closed fistulas and great hope for recovery

Sofija Nikolic was born with a cleft between the trachea and esophagus, and because of that, all of the food she would take would go to he lungs. With only year and a half, she had ten surgeries in Paris. She has been defying medicine and doctors who did not believe in her from the moment she was born. 

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During the three-month stay in France, Sofia has endured two ten hours surgeries, the first was unsuccessful and the second was more difficult and complicated, and it was last attempt for Sofia and her parents.

Love and sacrifices of her mother Bojana Nikolic and father Dejan gave her the strength to fight it.

- The fight was too great, Sofija endured heroically and we returned home after the diagnose that the fistulas are closed. First surgery was not successful, and there was this last attempt. We were shocked. After the second surgery, the fight began, one minute after the other, we did not know if Sofija will survive - said the mother for Blic.

Sofija's departure for the surgery was followed by entire Serbia in November, when a record 122.000 euros were collected in 5 days for her treatment. French doctors said that there are only two or three patients in the entire world like Sofija, and that surgery was last attempt.
