Medias in Pristina: Trump's administration with Kosovo!
"Kosovo is an example that shows what can happen when international community, lead by USA, works on protection of values and their interest"
Pristina media claim that new American administration considers that Kosovo should form the army and waif for Belgrade to recognize the self-proclaimed independence of Kosovo before joining the EU, reports the Pristina media.
With the arrival of new administration of president Donald Trump, USA politics towards Kosovo remains the same, said Pristina media, reports RTK.
Television "Kljan Kosova" claims that , in the section of 56 pages long document relation american defensive reform, new Secretary of Defense James Mattis wrote that Kosovo should should form their own army and that he believes that "Serbia will recognize Kosovo before both of these countries enter EU".
As pointed by the Pristina television, he wrote that Kosovo is an example that shows what can happen when international community, lead by USA, works on protection of values and their interest and that reduction in numbers will be proposed in accordance with the situation on the field, but for now Kfor is determined to secure safety in the region.
- Before the number of american soldiers on Kosovo is reduced, safety forces of Kosovo should get a mandate for internal safety and territorial protection, and constitutional changes are necessary for that, with the support of the National Assembly - wrote Mattis, claims "Kljan Kosova".
Mattis praised the EU efforts in the relations towards Belgrade and Pristina, adding that he expects from Belgrade to recognize Kosovo independence before they become members of the Union.
( / Tanjug)