BOSNIAKS AGAINST NIKOLIC COMING TO BANJALUKA: Celebration on 9. January is bothering them

Announcement of Nikolic's presence at the celebration of the Day of Republika Srpska, was met with disapproval in Sarajevo

The Bosniak member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) presidency and leader of the SDA, Bakir Izetbegovic called on the President of Serbia Tomislav Nikolic to think about coming to Banjaluka on marking the Day of the Republika Srpska, on 9 January. I would be rejoiced if he came another day so he doesn't participate in celebration that will hurt anyone in Bosnia and Herzegovina, said Izetbegovic.

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- Mister Nikolic should come to Sarajevo in February. When it comes to his arrival to Banjaluka, i would like to ask him to think about it. He is always welcome to come, but not, for the sake of good relations, he should think about the facts - pointed Izetbegovic for Sarajevo N1 television.

According to him, 9 January has been canceled by the decision of Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

- O think that mister Nikolic shouldn't stand on any side that discriminates anyone in the country with his arrival, I would be pleased if he came any other day so he doesn't participate in celebration that will hurt anyone in Bosnia and Herzegovina - said Izetbegovic.

Banjaluka newspapers published that the official visit of Serbian president to Sarajevo is expected, and it is questioned now, but this time because of his announced presence at the celebration of Day of Republika Srpska in Banjaluka on 9 January.

This Banjaluka papers write that Nikolic's arrival was expected in February, market as important event that will strengthen the cooperation of the two neighboring countries.

However, announcement of Nikolic's presence at the celebration of the Day of Republika Srpska, was met with disapproval in Sarajevo.

Sefik Dzaferovic, SDA vice-president and chairman of the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH, said yesterday that the decision of the BiH institutions, in this case the Constitutional Court, must be respected and that any action contrary to these decisions is in violation of the Constitution and the law.

( / Tanjug)