Serbia wasn't officially informed about Haradinaj arrest

Will he be held in extradition custody or again, will he be released to freedom like in the case of 2015 Slovenia, it will be known today after the examination by the competent French prosecutor

The Serbian Justice Ministry has not yet been officially informed about the arrest of former leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo and former Hague indictee, Ramush Haradinaj after Serbian warrant, Tanjug was told at the ministry.

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Otherwise, the Ministry of Justice is responsible to seek extradition of persons arrested abroad on our wanted list in front of the country.

Haradinaj was arrested yesterday at the airport of Basel-Mulhouse on the French side, and on the basis of the arrest warrant issued by Serbia in 2004 for crimes in Kosovo committed in 1998 and 1999 that were not covered by the indictment of the ICTY. These are war crimes against the civilian population in the zone of Dukadjini responsibility in 1998 and 1999.

Will he be held in extradition custody or again, will he be released to freedom like in the case of 2015 Slovenia, it will be known today after the examination by the competent French prosecutor

Head of the Serbian War Crimes Prosecutor Milan Petrovic said yesterday that the prosecution has gathered more hard evidence that complement the charges filed against Haradinaj.

Haradinaj was also arrested in 2015 in Slovenia after Serbian warrant but was soon released.

( / Tanjug)