Man from Belgrade earned Serbian ANNUAL SALARY in Alaska in 55 days: I worked for 16 hours, eat, sleep and repeat all over again
Those who want to go must have some work and a family in Serbia, so it is sure they will come back
Seasonal jobs on Alaska have become a real hit for Serbs who go there to work for one month or two. They work as much as they would work in Serbia for 12 months and they return exhausted, but happy.
One of those people on Alaska, Miroslav Nikolic (35) from Belgrade ventured on a work and travel trip over the H2B program. He was hired in the salmon processing factory.
- My life came down to work and sleep, but i managed to earn my annual salary i would get in Serbia in 55 days. I processed and packed salmons for 16 hours a day, in three shifts - said Miroslav for Blic.
As the said, life on Alaska is expensive, however, he spent the money only on the most basic needs.
- The company i worked for provided me with accommodation, three meals a day and i practically didn't have to spend any money. Alaska is expensive compared to the rest of America by 20-30%. For example, the pack of cigarettes cost 10 dollars, and that was my hour wage - he explains.
Because of the amount of work, he did not have a free day.
- I get up, i eat, work, eat, sleep and all around again, that was my life there. But, i came with intention to earn money, so upon returning to Serbia, i earned 6.500 dollars, which is slightly higher than my annual salary in Serbia - said Miroslav and adds that he is going again to Alaska in Jun.
Those who want to go must have some work and a family in Serbia, so it is sure they will come back, and before everything, they must know English perfectly.