The number of unemployed in Serbia reduced: Now there are less than 700.000

3.5 percent less unemployment than last year, positive trend needs to be maintained

Little less than 700.000 unemployed are registered at the National Employment Service (NES), which is 3.5 percent less than in the same period last year, said the director of the Service Zoran Martinovic.

Excellent GDP growth: This is the best economic year for Serbia in the last 25 years

Martinovic says that we are in a period of positive trends in the labor market, but warns that it is necessary to maintain this trend.

- There will be challenges, we expect the inflow of foreign investment, for exports to continue at this pace, as well as to increase economic growth in relation to the planned three percent. This will all bring increased employment or at least the sustainability of existing jobs, but I believe that we will have opportunities to open new jobs - said Martinovic for RTS.

He points out that 90 percent of the people who applied to mandatory social security, and were unemployed, were the people who found the job.

- Compared with previous years, the results are better, but the problem is still great and we must all work to alleviate the consequences of the economic crisis that is still felt, but we got some spark to hope for better years - said Martinovic.


He adds that the percentage of employed increased even though there is the prohibition of employment in the public sector, which means that, as he says, the private sector has "woken up" and employed people.

- This is what is good and we strive to awaken the private initiative, encourage entrepreneurship, to spare the public sector - said Martinovic.


He says NES grants funds to employers who employ less employable categories, young people under 30 years old, unskilled, semi-skilled, older than 50 years, persons with disabilities, Romani.

This year for the first time the focus will be on victims of trafficking, victims of violence, as well as refugees and displaced persons, and the service will attempt to animate the whole of Serbia employers to join programs that will be announced in late January, when government agrees, adding Martinovic.

He said that he expects from the number of people who are classified as redundant to apply to records, and he said there are special programs for redundant employees.

( / Tanjug)