NATO committed genocide over the Serbian health: Dr Danica Grujicic reveals the truth about the inflicted damage during bombing

On every 100.000 people in country, 5.500 are registered sick from various kinds of carcinoma, opposed to the world average of 2.000

Malignant diseases in Serbia are almost three times more frequently than in the world. On every 100.000 people in country, 5.500 are registered sick from various kinds of carcinoma, opposed to the world average of 2.000, and it is all the consequence of bombing, claims the professor Dr Danica Grujicic, one of our best neurosurgeons, Head of the Department of Neurosurgery at the Clinical Center of Serbia.


Professor Grujicic with professor Dr Slobodan Cikaric, President of the Serbian Society for Fight Against Cancer, warns on social networks, in videos, public forums about the consequences of the bombing of Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

Many of your colleagues claim that they are silent because the increase of cancer rates in Serbia can not be directly related with bombing?  

- The facts are there. We are witnesses of increase of solid tumors that occur 15 to 20 years after the bombing, on daily basis. Besides their increased appearance, the tumors are more aggressive and that is the reason we are in the top of the charts of death rates duo to tumors. It can not be explained by the age of population or smoking - said Dr Grujicic.

What encourages you to point out to the 1999. NATO bombing consequences?  

- Major damage has been caused to the environment. Ecocide has been committed in Serbia in 1999. harmful substances, not only depleted uranium, but also many products of chemical industry plants that used, went in large concentrations in air, water, land and entered the food chain. The citizens of Serbia do not know anything, primarily because the authorities have never talked about this. Data exist and it is essential that the citizens of Serbia know how much and what kind of damage they suffered.

Are you under any kind of pressure for what you are saying? 

- No, i never had any pressure because i am speaking what i think.

Some of your colleagues, however, claim that the entire story about NATO consistences is exaggerated, that we should fear the depleted uranium which was used to bomb Serbia, as "much as we should fear cobras and crocodiles". 

- Those are people who do not know what is carcinogenesis and how the cancer forms, so they should not speak about that. The harm was made at the moment of bombing, that is what we claim, we who stand for the truth. Alpha particles entered our organisms and the damage was done. It is hard, but not impossible to prove it. Instead of working all together to investigate it, there are colleagues that try to prove otherwise on every possible way. What are their motives, i don't know. I doubt it is a desire for truth.

You are advocating for the establishment of a neutral commission to examine the consequences of the bombing?

- Only a neutral commission composed of local and foreign experts could provide any information. Professional people are not afraid to express their opinion anywhere in the world . The best example of this is Senegalese Bakary Kante who in April 1999 was in Serbia and wrote a report for the UN, which was later removed from the public eye, where it is clear that he said that an environmental disaster has been created. American journalist Robert Parson came by these data, and we can thank him, because of him we know about this report.

What such a commission can do?

- It is not enough just to form this commission, appropriate laboratory must go with it to analyze  everything that is necessary. The Commission must have an adequate budget, for the analysis of certain chemical substances that are not always cheap. Therefore, Serbia must have a laboratory that is able to identify any substance in order not to repeat the situation with aflatoxin as a few years ago. Only then will the establishment of a commission make sense. Without that, the commission won't be able to do much.

You can see read the entire interview here.

( / Vecernje Novosti)