MASTURBATION IS A SIN: Because of this bloody poster, the entire Croatia buzzes about this HAND SIN (PHOTO)
Everybody is sharing this photo on social media in Croatia
A photo is spreading across social networks in Croatia which call upon ending masturbation.
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Even though the picture marks that "Stop the hand sins" is initiated by Catholic Association for the moral education of youth, it is clear that there is no such association, and the author of the joke who makes the users of social networks laugh so far remains unknown.
- Satan is misleading you with lust and sexual sweetness . It is not to late to repent and to stop doing that against-natural wickedness - written among other things on the picture.
It is concluded with a call "With Christ through life", and many users of social networks, even though they immediately realized it was a joke, noted that the bad spelling lead them to believe that this poster is authentic.