BABY BOOM SHAKES SERBIA: We make most babies during the New Year's holidays!
- Even the couples that can't have children get lucky during the holidays when they are under less stress - concludes the urologist and sexologist Aleksandar Milosevic
Most babies are made in Serbia during December, and is born in September, showed the data of Republic Institute for Statistics.
HAPPINESS: A boy was born in Gornji Milanovac weighting 6 kilos
The beginning of fall brings real baby boom, so in this year 6.244 babies were born in September and 6.008 babies in October. According to the simple calculation, since the pregnancy lasts nine months, it is easy to determine that the sex is mostly consumed during the New Year's holidays in Serbia.
The Acting Director of Gynecological and Obstetrics clinic "Narodni front" Snezana Rakic says that our people give vent to themselves at the end of the year.
- As if everybody is waiting for St Nikola, New Year and Christmas to relax. It is a time of celebration and sharing, relaxation and rejoicing, when people are turned towards each other the most. That is why the most babies are conceived in Serbia during the New Year's holidays - said Rakic for Informer.
She said that more and more young between 25 and 30 years old decide on being a parent.
- It is a good signal and it shows that there is no much thought about material conditions so they can be accomplished as parents - adds Rakic and she points that the start of the fall brought the most babies in the Belgrade nursery "Narodni Front".
- For more than 60 years there haven't been born in a single day more than 46 children, and there has been 43 deliveries, because three pairs were twins. Since the start of the year, 6900 babies were born here, and until the end of the year we will cross the 7.000 mark.
Experts say that if Serbia had more New Year's nights during the year maybe the birthrate problems wound be smaller, because September and October showed to be the months when most babies are born in bast years.
Psychotherapist Zoran Milivojevic says that the winter months are more "fruitful" than the summer because people unwind and relax.
- Holiday, as the word says, brings the days without work and obligations, people relax, have a bit to drink, travel and love each other, so they commit more to one another - said Milojevic.
Urologist and sexologist Aleksandar Milosevic confirmed that the New Year and Christmas are the most optimal for sex because people are released from work obligations.
- Even the couples that can't have children get lucky during the holidays when they are under less stress - concludes Milosevic.
( / Informer)