SLOVENIAN SECRETARY SAID TO COMTRADE: You have our government's support! (VIDEO)
State Secretary at the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, thanked the Comtrade company for giving this chance to Slovenia
Ales Cantarutti, State Secretary at the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology of Slovenia thanked the Comtrade company for believing in Slovenia and for investing in Slovenia, especially in Maribor.
Serb robed a jeweler, and then took a picture with the jewelry and cash, and then he made a cardinal mistake (PHOTO)
Kolinda gave gifts from Serbia to children on Defenders day, parents in Croatia shocked! (PHOTO)
COMTRADE opened a new software development center in Maribor (PHOTO) (VIDEO)
- It is important that you have found the opportunity for your business model right here. You can count not only on the local support, but also on the support from the government - said Ales Cantarutti.