The line for this bench on Kalemegdan has never been greater: Its uniqueness lies in this story
Everybody has a name for it, some call it "Sofija's bench", some "The bench of love", but one thing is certain, this is the only bench people are waiting for to enjoy the beautiful view
Bench on Kalemegdan with the most beautiful and the most romantic view on the mouth of a river Sava into Dunav is rarely empty. If it could speak, it would certainly have a lot to say.
Everybody has a name for it, some call it "Sofija's bench", some "The bench of love", but one thing is certain, this is the only bench people are waiting for to enjoy the beautiful view.
First bench with the dedication placed on this part of Belgrade fortress in 2005, when little Sofija came to this world. Somewhat later, next to the bench, actor Rade Markovic got his plate after his death.
According to Milan Prosen, the idea for the bench dedicated to daughter came after one walk on popular Kalemegdan.
- 11 years ago, my wife and I walked on Kalemegdan. We often passed this place with magnificent view, but something was missing. A bench! So we agreed to donate to our daughter and to Belgrade a bench which will have engraved plate with description - explains Milan Prosen for 24 sata.
And so it was. The plate said: "To our dear Sofija and the city she was born in. Olivera and Milan Prosen, 23 October 2005".
Unfortunately, as it usually happens, the plate with the name is gone. It was restored three times, and then they gave up.
- Bench next to "Sofija's" was decorated with the plate of Rade Markovic, our famous actor. After his death, he got a plate from his friends with dedication. It was also restored few times, but it had the same fate as "Sofija's" - explains Prosen.
Last year "Sofija's bench" was removed and instead "Rade's" bench was places, but public communal company soon removed it as well. Now, after so much time, under the treetop, there is one old, visibly dilapidated bench, but without a dedication. It is difficult to determine to whom it belongs, but it shares the same destiny with "Rade's" and "Sofija's" bench - it is always occupied!