Someone kept urinating in the elevator, and then Bosnian came up with genius idea and put a toilet inside!

Unknown person has been using the elevator of this building as a toilet

Resourceful tenant of the building Vranica in Mostar, found a solution to the problem of great stench and urinating in the elevator, which was the problem in the past few months.

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Namely,Unknown person has been using the elevator of this building as a toilet, fortunately, he has been using it only for urinating, so one of the tenants, as it goes, put a toilet bowl in the elevator.

- We don't know what to do anymore. At first we thought it was some of the dogs, and many pets live in our building, but we never had problem with them. I don't know who is it, but whoever it is, he is worse than any animal - said the concerned  resident stunned by the installation that was placed on Sunday in the elevator.

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