STREETS ARE CLEAN THANKS TO HER: Retiree volunteer cleans the royal city (PHOTO) (VIDEO)
- There were those put me off of working. I am a lover of nature and everything positive. I don't look on negative things. They thrown garbage, i pick it up - said Resida Kovacevic (75)
Jajce is one of the most beautiful and cleanest cities and Resida Kovacevic (75) is the one people should thank, she has been cleaning the trash thrown by unscrupulous citizens for 16 years, every day.
This is how to "load" a drunk man (VIDEO)
- I get up very early. First i look out of the window to see if there is work, then i have my breakfast and drink my coffee. While i eat i think what will i do and then i go to work. Sometimes i neglect myself so i can clean up everything. I pick up and move anything around the nature. The consciousness of many citizens has started working and they see the change. Now many follow my example.
- There were those put me off of working. I am a lover of nature and everything positive. I don't look on negative things. They thrown garbage, i pick it up - said Resida Kovacevic.
She worked as a typist from 1959 to 1992. She never married and her family died. She is never alone, as she said, there are good people she met during her volunteering.
- Those who once said bad things to me, now are apologizing and appreciate my devotion for this town. They say i should be awarded but i don't need anything like that. I have my pension. I am pleased. They can give rewards to the youth - said Resida and adds that she is not as crazy as people think.
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