NEIGHBOR IS NEIGHBOR'S WORST ENEMY: Is this the most bizarre reason we report each other to the police? (PHOTO)
And you thought that there is no way that a neighbor reported you for this
Communal police issued a statement last year in July saying that all people of Belgrade who dry their clothes on the terrace will have to pay a fine of 2.500 dinars.
One year later, five reports have been filed in Belgrade, but non reached Communal police.
- An examination of our records showed that from July last year until now there have been a total of five reports by citizens and Communal police made a lost from all of them and it was forwarded to municipality communal inspection - said the Assistant Commander of Communal police, Nina Mitic.
Few Belgraders are privy to the house rules in residential buildings. Their knowledge is mostly limited to the time when house works are allowed, use of laundry room or basement, the obligation of cleaning the area in front of the building of snow and ice.
We advice you to get to know the favorite color of your first neighbor, because precisely that pink shirt on the terrace can get you reported.
You can be reported if you keep old furniture on the balcony, firewood, but also flowerpots.
During the cleaning of the apartment it is important not to shake and clean the carpets, rags and table cloths off of windows, balcony, loggias or terraces. If the communal police notices or any of the neighbors, you could also get a fine.
In contrast to the drying, the fines for all other listed offenses range from 250 to 500,000 dinars.
( / Jasmina Stakic)