He tried to create a state between Serbia and Croatia, and now he is prohibited from entering into it! (PHOTO)
He hoped that the court will prohibit him to enter into the territory Liberland because it would then mean that it is the international boundary, which goes in favor to him
Vit Jedlicka is the man who is trying to create a new state, "utopia" on alleged no-man's land between Serbia and Croatia. Now he is forbidden to set foot on this territory, but he does not give up of his Liberland.
China abolishes visas for Serbs from New Year up to 30 days stays (PHOTO)
"President" watched his beloved country across the water, while he was on a bout on Danube. Liberland is 7 square kilometers if uninhabited wetland.
But in the head of Vit it is a fulfillment of the libertarian dream - country without taxes, without weapons control, and the currency is Bitcoin.
During the year 2015, along with several other people, he set the flag there and was elected president.
Since then he has collected half a million of potential citizens on the Internet. It has its own government, ambassadors waiting, money from wealthy donors and many more. Just one problem - no one has entered the territory of Liberland for a year.
After the war the territory was owned by Croatia, which did not accept bit because that would mean it accepts new boundaries. Serbia was fine with the new boundaries because they got more territory. Both states said "No, thank you" to Liberland. Jedlicka saw his opportunity there.
Libertarian utopia
Croatia maybe doesn't want the new territory but they certainly don't want Libertarian utopia filled with weapons on their doorstep. "President" was banned from entering Croatia.
However, Jedlicka is not giving up that easily. He visited Libertarian conventions all over the world, named the members of government, promoted Liberland on social networks.
BBC journalist, during September with Jedlicka and his Foreign Minister Jose Miguel, crossed the Croatian border during the night so that they can participate in the regional conference and appealed to the prohibition to enter the Liberland.
He hoped that the court will prohibit him to enter into the territory Liberland because it would then mean that it is the international boundary, which goes in favor to him.
But the court ruled that it lacked jurisdiction, and the case was closed.
The settlement on boats
Jedlicka's plan is to build a temporary village on boats on the Danube. Other boats will serve as meeting places. Owning the land would mean that their intentions are serious, considered Jedlicka.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs has not instilled confidence with BBC reporter. He said he was the peacemaker of the UN in Kosovo, but did not say when. He always said things that were false or misleading.
When he did a bit better check on him he revealed that three years ago, he was posing as a famous pianist. When the fraud was discovered, the Ecuadorian government took away his title of honorary consul.
Cheater quit
Jose Miguel disappeared for a while, but resurfaced as Liberland Minister of Foreign Affairs. When Jedlicka learned the truth, he was shocked. Jose Miguel quit.
"The president" has admitted to he has no luck when it comes to choosing the right people. History teaches us that we must be careful from both friends and the enemies.
However Jedlicka lives in the imagination. If Croatia and Serbia ever solve the border dispute, there will not be any room left for Liberland.
Jedlicka likes to say that all states are the part of our fantasy and that it is all in our head.
(Telegraf.co.uk / source: bbc.com)