HALF OF EUROPE WANTS TO DESTROY SERBIA: These countries were in war against us! (PHOTO)
An interesting view of countries which were in conflict with Serbia at some moment
One user of Imgur made a map where you can clearly see what countries were in war with Serbia at some moment. Map shows the countries participating the invasion on our country, from the entire region, the only ones that were not in war with us are: Montenegro and Macedonia.
OCCUPATION WORTH IN GOLD: Serbian workers make up to 8.000 euros a month abroad!
SERBIAN SHRINE IN DANGER: Water destroyed the foundations, everything can collapse any second! (PHOTO)
Romania also wasn't in war with us, but and all others in the region, and much of Central Europe, were: Germany, Italy, Austria, Albania, Bulgaria, Turkey ... Even the Czech Republic and Slovakia participated in the destruction of Serbia, as allies of countries that have attacked us directly .
See full map - red are those that have attacked us, and pink are the ones that helped the occupiers.