MEDIEVAL CHURCH NEAR SREBRENICA DISCOVERED: Skeletons and money found on its foundations that are hiding a secret (PHOTO)
Archaeologist Ivana Grujic said that the church dates from the early Byzantine era and the reign of Emperor Heraclius
The foundations of the medieval church in Orahovica near Srebrenica have been discovered, the size of 14x12 meters, which probably dates from the sixth century, and there skeletons and the money from that era were found.
Ivana Grujic, archaeologist at the Museum "Herzegovina" from Trebinje, said that the church dates from the early Byzantine era and the reign of the Emperor Heraclius, while at the same location during the Roman period, there existed a mining village, and the path for Vlasenica went through the village and led to further to Dubrovnik.
- We found a female human skeleton. In addition to the foundations of the church we found fragments of the lamp, pieces of glass and fresco, and the foundations of a Roman tombstone from the first or second century - comments Grujic.
The priest of the Orthodox Church of Srebrenica municipality Aleksandar Mladenovic says that the foundations of the old church were discovered by accident during preparations for the construction of a new church on the site.
- We had no information that there was medieval church on the spot. We were lucky that at that time, a group of archaeologists was working on the preservation of two Roman city in Skelani near Srebrenica. They found time to dig up these walls. After complete archaeological work, which will continue in the spring, the preservation of the foundations of the church will be done and the constriction of the new one will begin - said Mladenovic.
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