It most commonly affects domestic poultry, chickens and turkeys, while the ducks and geese develop mild symptoms of the disease

In the area of Vukovar-Srijem County, in the village of Cerna, the occurrence has been determined of highly pathogenic avian influenza of subtype H5N8 in wild swans, according to the Croatian Ministry of Agriculture.

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Found virus, it is said, belongs to the species and it was not yet determined if it can transfer the virus to humans.

- Avian influenza is a highly contagious viral disease of poultry and other birds that can be manifested in different ways, depending on the virus' ability to cause disease (pathogenicity) and the affected species - said in the statement.

It most commonly affects domestic poultry, chickens and turkeys, while the ducks and geese develop mild symptoms of the disease.

Wild birds that live on the water, especially wild ducks, are naturally resistant to disease and show no clinical signs of disease and therefore represent a major reservoir of the virus and the risk of spreading the disease to domestic poultry.

Austrian authorities in the province of Vorarlberg, discovered a dangerous variant of avian influenza type H5N8 in five young ducks. 

The Ministry of Health points out that it is, as in the cases in Germany, a highly pathogen variant.

Basis on the  analysis, Ministry ordered precautionary measures, and in order to protect domestic feathered animals in a certain zone around the affected territory, they imposed the obligation of keeping poultry indoors.

( / Tanjug)