THESE STATES WILL DECIDE THE PRESIDENT OF USA: Everybody is waiting the results from these places (VIDEO)
Most of the states already decided which candidate will they support on these elections
Even though USA stands for one of the most democratic countries in the world, that can't be said for their election system. Not every vote is counted the same and all because of the electors.
Fox that guessed the outcome of the eternal derby stated who will be the president of USA (VIDEO)
For a candidate to be victorious in this race he has to gather 270 electoral votes. Most of the states already decided which candidate will they support on these elections.
Trump: Alabama (9), Alaska (3), Arizona (11), Arkansas (6), Georgia (16), Idaho (4), Indiana (11), Kansas (6), Kentucky (8), LA (8 ), Mississippi (6), Missouri (10), Montana (3), Nebraska (5), North Dakota (3), Oklahoma (7), South Carolina (9), South Dakota (3), Tennessee (11) Texas (38) Utah (6), West Virginia (5), Wyoming (3).
Clinton: California (55) Connecticut (7), Delaware (3), DC (3), Hawaii (4), Illinois (20), Maine (4), Maryland (10), Massachusetts (11) Minnesota (10 ), New Jersey (14), New Mexico (5), New York (29), Oregon (7), Rhode Island (4), Vermont (3), Washington (12).
However, what is the most different from the previous are "divided states": Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Wisconsin.
According to the expert, it is believed that the new United States president will be decided by those undecided states.
Watch the video: