Girl from Belgrade went to a job interview, she got weird questions, she ran without looking back

I'm not sure if they were asking to hire me or to rob me

One Belgrade girl was in shock when she was interviewed for a job at a call center in Serbia when she got too many personal questions. Angry about the invasion of privacy, she left the conversation, but she discovered what she needed to answer in questionnaire.

BELGRADE SEXY DENTIST: Every girl opens her mouth without fear (PHOTO)

- I have been asked to define the housing problem, or whether I live with my parents or if I am the owner of the property. Then I asked for the address of the apartment where I live, and the number of household members. What is the most absurd, they asked me to contact a family member who lives with me - told us the upset girl.

And this was only the beginning of a series of issues that were found in an unusual questionnaire.

- They wanted to be heard my marital status, and to mention the name of the company where my husband works. They were interested in them and the amount of income at my previous two jobs. Of course, there were questions about Social Security, the number of ID cards and place of issuing identity cards - this girl said.

When she told them that most of the questions are too personal and it is forbidden by law to set them, they answered her that it was just a routine check and that the questionnaires are destroyed after the interview.

- If I filled out the questionnaire, they would have all the information about me: where and with whom I live, whether it is my property, where my husband works, how much we earn. I'm not sure if they were asking to hire me or to rob me - she says.

Although the she handed the blank paper and left the interview, women who were in the room with her stayed and filled out the questions.

- Should i deliver blood analysis and the last electricity bill, next shopping list, pictures from the Bachelorette party and the wedding, shoe number, the number of my dentist and the plummer? It is awful that some people have to swallow their pride and agree on something like this - concludes our interviewee.

You should know that you do not have to answer questions which do not touch on any aspect of your personality in the business sense, that is, you can say that you do not see why it is important to interview for the job. Or, you can just do as our interlocutor did, leave the interview.

This woman from Belgrade wanted to remain anonymous, and we respected that.

( / Jasmina Stakic)