Belgrade has new attraction: Meet the CONCRETE SHIP (PHOTO)
Marko Malenic and Ivan Sinadovic found a way to make a vessel from a half sunk ship Belgrade can be proud of
The mayor of Belgrade, Sinisa Mali, visited the restored "Concrete Ship", futuristic attraction of the Capital. Ship has great historical value because it is one of two "surviving" concrete ships in Europe, one of them is in the German naval museum "Roshtok", and the other one is in the capital of Serbia. The restoration of the ship was done by "Skitrack international", that took upon them the risk to save it from total destruction.
Mayor thanked Marko Malenic and Ivan Sinadinovic, your men who found a way to make a vessel from a half sunk ship Belgrade can be proud of.
- This will be the place of cultural happenings, space where Tourist agency of Belgrade will have its area. For me personally, this ship presents the symbol of New Belgrade, the one what we have been trying to do for the past two years, when we started building Belgrade Waterfront from the old, neglected city, into one of the most beautiful promenades in Europe. These boys took half sunk ship that nobody wanted, restored it and it looks like something that we can be proud of. It is an example young should follow and they can change things to make their city even more beautiful with their initiatives - said Sinisa Mali.
Recalling the great historical value of this ship because it is one of the two with concrete hull, Mali said that Belgrade has ships that deserve a special place on its rivers.
- We will try to find a way to restore some of the ships with similar history and destiny. There are eight of them, among them are "Zupa", "Krajina" and others, and they all deserve to be restored and set near Sava promenade, to be the part of the history of future Belgrade - said the mayor, wishing for the "Concrete Ship" to be one of the cult tourist places and culture manifestations.
Director of "Skitrack international" Marko Malenica, said that reconstruction of the ship took two years and that in all that time they had the support of the city of Belgrade and its public utilities.
- This project is an example of good cooperation with the city, because we had the help without any tangible benefits and without the City of Belgrade this would not otherwise be possible. We people of Belgrade wanted to save the ship from decay and destruction and we managed our financial resources, enthusiasm and faith and the fact that we can make it. It will house a cultural center, gallery, a virtual museum of shipping, tourism organizations of Belgrade and the German restaurant, and will present the content that the city has not yet seen. We want to create a brand that will bring us all the old, the new spirit of Belgrade - said Malenic.
According to estimates, within a month, all works will be completed, and the organizers announce that the first cultural programs on "Concrete Ship" will be organized from November.