THEY WENT 1.300 KM TO MOLDAVIA BECAUSE OF SERBIA: We are not tired, we have only one country! (PHOTO)
This small group of fans traveled for two whole days to Kisinjev
No one likes to see half empty stands when the Serbian national team is playing, but the hope is slowly returning that we still have the fanatics, like these group of guys from Uzice.
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The four went the long way to Moldavia to watch the game live and to cheer for Serbia in the second round of qualifications for the World Championship in 2018.
They went exactly 1310 kilometers in a car. Vladimir Andric, Dobrivoje Turudic, Vladimir Suljagic and Anton Sic.
They traveled for two days.
- We started going on Tuesday, 4. October evening, and we arrived few hours before the game started. Are we tired? No, we have one country, one team that needs the support the most. Lets go eagles, lets to to Russia! - said Vladimir Andric.
The game between Moldavia and Serbia ended with our victory (3-0)