MYSTERIOUS DEATH: He was calling for neighbors whole night. They found him dead on the pavement without a drop of blood around him (PHOTO)

He was laid on the back, with his arms spread, legs crossed, in jeans, jacket and a shirt

The body of Tomislav Blazevic (23) and scattered things were found in the suburb Luscic, and his death was violent

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Tomislav was a quiet and good-natured boy. He was raised by his father and grandma because he was left without a mother. He graduated for a baker, but he did not have a job.

His family has a house in Karlovac suburb Logoriste, but he spent most of his time alone in the apartment in Grabrik, the most populated city quarter, which is next to Luscic.

In that street, outside the building no 43, his lifeless body was found on Tuesday. 

Tenants that started going to work saw him as soon as they went out of the building. He was laid on the back, with his arms spread, legs crossed, in jeans, jacket and a shirt.

Next to him was a backpack and mobile phone, and a bit away his shoe, while the second one was on his foot. In the trousers he has his wallet. All clothing he had and items will be separately examined, and were removed from the scene of the crime right after the investigation was completed.

When and how did he die? What was he doing there? Was he with anybody? Those were the questions authorities could not answer. 

The prosecutor had no doubt that the young man died a violent death, that is why he ordered an autopsy at the Zagreb Institute of Forensic Medicine.

- I heard some noise and the arrival of more cars, I opened the window and saw the body down. Then the cop flashlight illuminated his face and I saw that the young boy. I remember that one shoe was away from him- says Vlado Krizanic, the young man's neighbors.

Dragan Ascic, from the seventh floor in the early morning hours went to take out the trash. As soon as he opened the door, he saw a dead body.

- I saw that he's belt was undone and the zipper opened with slightly drawn pants down, his underwear was visible. I did not see a drop of blood - said shocked Ascic.

- From the source close to investigation we found out that there were no entry wounds on the boy, but there were numerous hematomas, especially on the arms. Besides that, there were some blood on the fingertips.

Citizens told the police that they heart smashing in front of the building in early night hours and someone ringing. Between 1 and 4 in the night on Tuesday someone rang ten times on multiple entrances. 

Ana Roknic from the first entrance (br 34C) told us that she heart the ring around 3:46 but she did not answer because she thought it was some mistake. In the morning she found out that he rang to her neighbors Ribic and Mrljak as well. 

He rang around 1, intensively, strongly. Wife Mirjana looked out of the window and saw him. He has then switched to the entrance next to ours, and rung there. He passed our window went behind the building. He looked as if someone was chasing him, but there was no one around. 

He did not run, he walked steadily, as if he was addle-brained, in a panic, as if he was confused. He carried a bag on his back and he lighted his was with some lap. Wife asked if some was chasing him, and then she said ehrself that there were no one around. He was scared, but we do not know what scared him - said Josip Mrljak from the second floor.

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