This Englishman wants to visit Serbia and he is very excited about it, but he has few questions for all of us: Think wisely!

Young Englishman needs advice about finding his way around Serbia, and it would be nice if we could help him

Young Englishman left a message on where he said he planned to visit Serbia next month and he is interested if anyone can provide him with some information about our country. 

We are not aware how BEAUTIFUL Serbia really is: This video will TAKE YOUR BREATH AWAY (VIDEO)

We report the entire post:

"I’m from England, and will be motorbiking in your country next month which I am really excited about. I’ve never even been to this part of Europe and have some questions if people can answer?

This is a very rough route that I will be taking: (I am starting from Vienna and heading round clockwise)

I was wondering if you could answer some questions for me.

What is bike theft like in your country? (Living in London, it’s always a concern of mine)

I’m going to be staying in Belgrade, is there any areas to avoid/best area to stay?

Any places I should visit, be it bars/restaurants/or even roads?

Is there any thing I should be aware travelling through Serbia with a motorcycle?

If there are better roads to take along the route that you know of, let me know!

Best local dish/local beer? I will be eating and drinking plenty!

Also, be cool to chat to any motorcyclists in the area.

