INCURABLE DISEASE ARRIVES TO SERBIA! New type of TB resistant to all known drugs is threatening us

Our neighbors, the Romanians, are currently struggling with the disease because they have the largest number of patients throughout the European Union

The type of tuberculosis that no drug on the world can cure arrives to Serbia, reports Alo!

THE MOST BEAUTIFUL NEWS OF THE DAY: 68 newest medicines arriving to Serbia for the MOST SERIOUS DISEASES!

Our neighbors, the Romanians, currently struggling with the disease because they have the largest number of patients throughout the European Union, according to the British "Guardian" quoted by the Belgrade media.

Their reporters visited the sick in Romanians and recorded their fate three days ago.Considering that the Romanian border is only 14 kilometers away from Vrsac, the threat is very real.

Dr Tatjana Radosavljevic, pulmonologist, said:

- It is a deadly disease that kills the same as if there were no medicines for ordinary TB. Especially because this is a so-called droplet infection, ie, germ from an infected person to a healthy can be transferred during conversation. Tuberculosis, and this type that is called extremely resistant lung tuberculosis, have no known cure in the world. It is a disease that it can take several months without the person knowing that they carry the germ, there are no symptoms, and they live normally and mix with other people. Also, the symptoms that appear are no different from normal tuberculosis to that in Romania. Those are fatigue, weight loss, sweating, cough, expectoration, and possible blood in spit - warn the doctor.

The diagnosis is, as she says, is established by recording the lungs, direct examination of sputum culture and so-called seeding. 

- Six weeks have to pass until the tuberculosis bacillus is isolated. Then another two months for testing. So it only after four or five months the accurate diagnosis can be determined - explains dr Radosavljevic for Alo.

A new type of tuberculosis originated in prisons and mental institutions. It was from those who started treatment of tuberculosis, and it was never completed, and later remained in the collective.
