FANTASTIC DISCOVERY: Serbian city existed in 7th century, and you will never guess where it was
In later writings Srbograd is referred to as the "Serbian village", the city was inhabited by Serbs as part of the kingdom of Pergamum
In historical accounts, in the 680 AD there was a Byzantine town Srbograd or Serbian City.
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The name is derived from the Serbs who had settled in Asia Minor led by the Emperor Constantine the second (641-667) coming from the vicinity of the Vardar.
According to the traditions, the Serbian city was the seat of the bishop, which shows that this area was inhabited by large number of Serbs. Serbs were later drafted into the Byzantine army in large numbers, especially during the reign of Justinian II.
In later writings Srbograd is referred to as the "Serbian village", the city was inhabited by Serbs as part of the kingdom of Pergamum.