NEW EARTHQUAKES IN ITALY, NUMBER OF VICTIMS INCREASED TO 247: Rescue parties dig through the rubble in search of survivors
The death toll in the earthquake that shook central Italy rose to 247, while Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi announced that today will be declared a state of emergency.
BUDVA TREMORS: Small earthquake shook the coast, no greater damage
This morning Italy was hit with a new earthquake of 4.6 magnitude on the Richter scale. There have been a total of 22 earthquake in Italy in the last 24 hours.
The Italian Civil Protection Agency reports that rescue parties are still searching for survivors in the rubble of devastated mountain villages.
Hundreds of people were injured, of which a large number is in a chaotic state, reports AFP.
Number of survivors and the dead who are still under the rubble is not known.
Among the victims was nine months old baby girl whose parents survived, 18 months old baby and two small children who were killed with their parents.Two boys, aged four and seven were rescued by quick and clever reaction of their grandmother, who shoved them under the bed. She is also survived, but she lost her husband.
An earthquake measuring 6.2 degrees on the Richter scale, which was yesterday morning at 03:36 hrs shook the area near Perugia ,about 170 kilometers northeast of Rome, was felt over a wide area of central Italy, after which many people ran out into the streets.
The area between regions Lacio, Marko, Umbria and Abrucia was hit the hardest, places Acumoli, Amatrice, Posta and Arkvata del Tronto were destroyed, where roofs collapsed before the dawn on people while they were sleeping, so they welcomed the morning among rubble, shards and dust.