Prime ministers of Belarus and Czech Republic congratulated Vucic his reappointment to the president of government

The prime ministers of two countries expressed the support to the reforms and the European road Serbia is taking

Serbian prime minister Aleksandar Vucic received a congratulations note from the prime minister of Republic of Belarus Andrei Kobyakov and the prime minister of Czech Republic Bohuslav Sobotka regarding his reappointment to the duty of the president of the government. They express the belief of further strengthening of the relationships with Serbia. 


- Thanks to the devotion to work, loyalty to the goal and fruitful state activity you have acquired the deserved authority in Serbia and on the political ground, from the society. I am sure that your work as a president of the Serbian government will further benefit the strengthening of the bilateral relationship, widening of the mutually beneficial connections between Belarus and Serbia in the favor of brotherly people of our countries - written in the congratulations not from the Belarus prime minister Andrei Kobyakov, announced by the government agency for media relations.

Prime minister Kobyakov expressed in his note the expectation that the planned visit from Vucic to Belarus will be another significant stage in developing Belarus-Serbian cooperation.

In the note from the prime minister of Czech Republic, Bohuslav Sobotka, he expresses the support to the reforms and the European road Serbia is taking, they also offer help during the preparation for the EU membership. 

- I hope that present strong mandate allow your government to continue going the way or reforms and European integrations. Czech Republic, as it has done fore, offers its knowledge, support and help to the Republic of Serbia during the preparations for the membership in European Union - written in the note, announced by the government agency for media relations.

Sobotka also pointed out the readiness to work on further expansion of the cooperation between the two countries.

- Long term partnership and the excellent relationships between Czech Republic and Serbia gives significant potential to the future of our countries - sad the Czech prime minister.

( / Tanjug)