The body of this Serb is full with TATTOOS, and one of them will leave you BREATHLESS (VIDEO)
The Telegraf crew headed to Ada Ciganlina and found a man who has many interesting drawings on his body
Everybody who had experience with tattooing say that it is almost impossible to have only one tattoo on the body explaining that the passion for tattoos is a way of live. The Telegraf crew headed to Ada Ciganlina and found a man who has many interesting drawings on his body, and probably, the most tattoos of all the people that were on the Belgrade sea that day.
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The best way to get into arguments in the past few years has been tattooing: some think its a wrong way to draw attention, while lovers, of this as they call, art consider that every tattoo has its own story and that every drawing has its own soul.
Watch the video of the man with most tattoos on Ada Ciganlija.
( / Tanja MIlanovic)