THE MOST BEAUTIFUL YARD IN SERBIA: This is how PARADISE looks like made by Ljubisa Milosavljevic! (PHOTO)
The house and the log cabin was build by his great grandfather, Ljubisa redecorated it into Ethno objects, and the flowers and the appearance of the yard will leave visitors speechless
You don't need to strive for exotic areas and paradise places, because you can make exotic and paradise at home! And if you live at the edge of the village on the 500 meters above sea level, even if it is in Pomoravlje region, where Buljane is, you only need good will and creativity to make your own yard into paradise.
The local of this village Ljubisa Milosavljevic had both of it when he decided to create his yard with all objects into a relaxation corner for enjoyment.
It is especially noticeable during summer where there is not a single spot without flowers, immaculate with its appearance and creativity, no matter if it was planted in the ground or in the pot. Even old logs and wooden troughs could be used as flower pots.
- I live in my parents house which was build by my grand grandfather around 120 years ago, the old log house is also here, just a bit younger. I decided to refresh it three years ago and create ethno style. I cut some pine tree for the log and with a bit of effort it looks like this, and i am using it as a summer kitchen and as a storehouse for wood. The house has all the benefits of civilization, new electricity and all the rest, but i kept its soul - said Ljubisa, while we enjoy the view on two ethno object and imaginative garden which has huge red wheel as decoration, old repainted wagon, red wooden barrel and flowers planted in the most incredible places.
He explains that he inherited the love for flowers from his late mother, and he decided to commit more time in decorating his home when he remained alone.
- Its true, as they say, that you need to love and talk to flowers. But you also need to dig it, water it, fertilize it... I work quite a lot, i start at 8 AM and finish at 18:00 PM, so i don't have to much free time. But, i manage to devote few hours a day to the flowers and the garden, and when i am on vacation, like i am now, i do this and that the whole day long - he explains how much time he needs to maintain this earthly heaven.
Paradises can be different - because its all in your head - but agile Ljubisa showed that anyone can create their own, as they desire it to be.
( / Z.R.P)