UNSEEN DISASTER IN CROATIA: The day turned black, rain and wind DESTROY everything (VIDEO)
Darkness enveloped Istra in the middle of the day
Strong thunderstorm engulfed this morning the area around Istra. The worst was in Novigrad where massive amount of rained and stormy wind turned the day into night.
Serbia is sending water pumps to Macedonia to help remediate the consequences of floods
The highest amount of falls were recorded in Dajla near Novigrad, 49 mm, reported by Istramet, they published on their Facebook account the video of the storm in Novigrad.
Besides the raid, this small Istra city was struck by hail which lasted for 10 minutes.
It was rainy in the nearby Groznjak which is around 20 kilometers away.
According to the National Hydrometeorological forecast the thundershowers will move during the day towards the east of the country.
Relatively nice and sunny weather will remain in Dalmacija.
Mild and strong north and north east wind will be in the land, and on Adriatic mild and strong tempest is expected, below Velebit and storm which will expand to the north of Dalmatia during the night.
The highest daily temperature will be between 19 and 24, in Slavonia and Baranja and the northern Adriatic to 27, while in Dalmatia range between 29 and 32 ° C.
(Telegraf.co.uk / 24.sata.hr)