NEW TENSIONS: Serbian ambassador refused to accept the Croatian letter of protest

Serbian ambassador in Zagreb refused to accept the letter of protest from Croatian ministry of foreign affairs, Dacic supported her

Ambassador of Serbia in Croatia, Mira Nikolic, refused to accept the letter of protest of the Croatian Ministry of foreign affairs, because of the offensive content regarding Serbia. 

THE DECISION WAS MADE: Croatia will chair the European Union!

The minister for foreign affairs Ivica Dacic said last night that the Serbian ambassador refused to accept the letter due to offensive content regarding entire Serbia, which does not provoke anyone, but only reacts to the judgments and events that lead to the rehabilitation of the fascist, insurgent Independent State of Croatia. 

According to this, we will continue our policy that we are interesting in developing good neighboring relationship, but we will protect our interests. 

As he said to the reporters, even though Serbia does nothing to provoke reaction from Zagreb, Croatian ministry called for the ambassador to present her with the note.

Dacic pointed that we must not allow the history to be forgotten, even the one from the last war regarding the Serbian casualties, because the history would repeat itself, unfortunately.

Foreign minister said that Serbia reacted to the news about the abolition of the judgment to Branimir Glavas, who was convicted for crimes over Serbian civilians. 

- We consider that it is a sequel of the clear Croatian policy which goes toward rebuilding not only the  Independent State of Croatia, but also the crimes from the last war. On that, and as well on what happened yesterday in Srb, and regarding many other incidents that escalated in Croatia recently, we handed the letter of protest to Croatia - said Dacic.

He emphasized that it is a shame for Europe

- Hitler was symbol of evil for Germans, only in Croatia the fascist creation Independent state of Croatia and its padre Stepinac are named heroes, martyrs and saints - concluded the Foreign minister of Serbia.

( / Tanjug)