THERE IS LOTS OF MONEY IN THIS JOB: Growing this fruit can make you 13.000 euros
They don't hide their satisfaction on the greatest Slavonian plantation, production is profitable, and the profit from Chokeberry is much greater than any other plant
The production of Chokeberry in Croatia brings the profit much greater than growing any other fruit, and an hectare planted with Chokeberry can bring up to 13.000 euros.
They don't hide their satisfaction on the greatest Slavonian plantation. "The production of it is profitable. If the hectare of wheat is between 4 to 8 thousands kunas, hectare of Chokeberry is around 100 thousand kunas", said Darko Balas, the sales manager.
Chokeberry is the greatest antioxidant among fruit, it is cold resistant, up to - 47 degrees. They also call it Siberian berry. Slavonian sun is good for Chokeberry. Branches are bent from weight. Everything is ready to start the harvest.
- Its rip. We expect yields of 2-3 kilos per bush. I think that is ideal. The fruits are great - said Ivica Brkic from Slatinik Drenjski.
We can list the comparisons with other fruit cultures that are grown in Slavonia. The kilo of plums is 3 kunas. The kilo of Chokeberry is 60 kunas.
- In the seventh year of giving fruits, when it gives the most, you can reach the number of 12 tons per hectare - adds Balas.
One part of it is for sale, other is for processing.
- Considering that it is a product one can not keep long term, you have to make new products out of it. We make juices, tea, powder, capsules, jams - Zlatko Alegic, the owner of the plantation.
New products. Added values. Slavonian Chokeberry is sweeter than the competition from the north.
- On the Slavonian sun, you can achieve a lot of Brix, so it is much better than say, Polish Chokeberry - said Zlatko Alegic.
Poland is among the leading producers of Chokeberry. In Croatia, despite the profit, you can count the Chokeberry plantations on the palm of one hand.
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