THE CUTEST MIGRANT IN SERBIA: Sad story about little BLOND ANGEL will brake your heart (PHOTO) (VIDEO)
- We don't know what are we going to do, the borders are shut - said the mother
Telegraf staff is on the migrant protest at the bus station in Belgrade, where 200 migrants are on hunger strike because they are not allowed to cross the border to the countries of European Union. In the protest there is a family of a three year old girl from Armenia who arrived to Serbia yesterday.
ENGLISH EXPERT CLAIMS: Yugoslavia would be world power, and Belgrade - Europe's capital (PHOTO)
THE MOST BEAUTIFUL PHOTO OF BELGRADE: And wait to hear the incredible story behind it! (PHOTO) (VIDEO)
Around 700 migrants at Serbian-Hungarian border
- We don't know what are we going to do, the borders are shut. We may decide to go to Romania even though our goal is Germany but, from what we heard, its not easy. We are currently in Serbia, its not bad, we will see where will we go - said the blond Armenian girl (27)
Little crying blond girl has put tears in the eyes of everybody according to the gathered migrants.